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Bring Balance to your Home Via Vastu Shastra

Feb 19, 2024

Bring Balance to your Home Via Vastu Shastra

The difference between a house and a home may be defined in the energy contained within its confines. Unlike a house which is a room that can be used as accommodation, a home is a one where one is able to experience a sense of security and stability. In other words, one’s home is one’s safe abode and a one where one is able to feel like oneself across the various socially determined circumstances one experiences in the vastness of the world outside

Traditionally, houses were designed and built only after consulting with a scholar whose insightful solutions ensured the presence of positive and promising energies. Vastu Shastra has been a reliable source of identifying unwelcoming negative energies that lurk within homes and well learned Vastu experts and gurus have been known to offer accurate remedies to get rid of the same.

Over time however, modern architecture has lent itself to enhance living conditions to suit the urban lifestyle and while traditional principles may have taken a back seat for a brief period of time, the demand for accurate and relevant lessons from the teachings of Vastu Shastra have been on a steady rise.

Although the world is laden with opportunities today, the competences and complexities that encompass one’s mundane reality can be overwhelming and considering traditional studies have proven to be trustworthy sources of goodwill and wisdom, consulting a learned elder has been regaining momentum as a significant and a necessary influence in one’s journey. Vastu Shastra has been facilitating individuals and their homes with abundance, prosperity, and balance.

Vastu for Balancing the Energies in your Home

From construction material used to build a house, to the positioning and directional detailing in the construction plan and layout; positivity has been linked to a myriad of factors that can be addressed using principles of Vastu Shastra at the very foundational stage of building one’s home. Furthermore, a few ritual procedures are often recommended across the phase of construction and over the course of moving into and living in the same. Vastu experts can thereby, enable the process of balancing the energies in your house by

1. Plan to Prioritise the Presence of Natural Light Indoors:

Known to be a natural resource best suited for cleansing, ensuring that sunlight reaches all corners of one’s home is essential for all positive possibilities to thrive. Genuine astrologers who are proficient at Vastu Shastra offer the most efficient plan that one can use to position entrance doors, windows, and openings that allow the rising suns’ rays of positivity to touch every nook of one’s house. Making sure that negativity isn’t trapped within dark corners of a house may be very important.

2. Room for Panchabhootas :

Despite living in cities, one depends almost entirely on natural elements for survival. Each element however, plays a distinct role in one’s life and to respect each one’s energy in its contribution both sustainably and subjectively is an aspect that Vastu experts can help regulate. For example, fire is best contained within the kitchen where it is used right and aquariums are informed to be auspicious inclusions in the living room.

3. Direction and Color :

The position of doorways, utility, and their active usage is best advised to be planned based on the direction they face. While the north east positioning of water elements and south east of fire are popularly known, by mindfully positioning one’s necessities at home in alignment with directions that inspire positive energy has proven to be very beneficial. Directions are further correspondingly paired with colours to enhance the same and a Vastu expert is often able to provide clarity on such details.


With living conditions attuned to the urban landscape in its bustling reality, a few advised rules may not be possible due to architectural restraints and particularly so, in apartment complexes. One can ensure that one isn’t festering negative energies by avoiding certain things as advised by a Vastu Guru. One of the more widely known Vastu tip has been to ensure that the place of worship at home isn’t positioned beneath the staircase.

If you are building a home or planning to move into one, consulting one of the famous astrologers in malleshwaram at Shri Shakti Mahaganapati Astrology Center can help you ensure that the energies in your home are balanced. Considered to be the best in today’s day and age, Guruji has helped numerous people achieve the prosperity they seek and deserve. Book a consultation and let his blessings guide you.